Post-Partum Physical Therapy
Is it safe to exercise and do physical therapy after delivery?
Exercise and PT are both safe and effective following pregnancy and delivery! Before coming to PT and participating in exercise, OBGYN clearance is always required. Following delivery, your OBGYN will inform you when you are safe to return to exercise. Many women return to exercise within 2-6 weeks of delivery. Complicated deliveries and C-sections may require longer recovery times.
What if a new mom is not experiencing any pain?
The P3 program is not only a treatment program, it is a preventative health and wellness program that all women can benefit from! Most women recovering from pregnancy and delivery have muscle tightness, a weak pelvic floor and core, a misaligned pelvis, and a diastasis rectus, which is a separation of the abdominal muscles. All of these conditions lead to biomechanical dysfunctions that can cause pain to develop over time. Physical therapy can address and correct these issues even BEFORE pain begins, ultimately improving functional mobility and setting you up for a pain-free future.
What are some typical issues and conditions women experience after delivery?
Post-partum women typically experience pelvic misalignment, diastasis rectus (abdominal separation), core and pelvic floor weakness, muscle tightness, muscle pain, low back pain, neck pain, SI joint pain, sciatica, neck pain, incontinence, lower extremity weakness, fatigue, etc.
A new mom may also experience thumb, wrist, elbow, and shoulder pain from posturing while nursing and repeatedly picking their baby up and out of the crib, stroller, and floor.